Entrepreneurs are the motor of our economy, and so ODB wants to support them in a world that is evolving ever more quickly.


With a view to the future, ODB thinks further and broader than the ´ordinary bookkeeper´! The figures remain the cornerstone: they constitute the basis for entrepreneurial decisions, but along with interpreting the figures we also play an informational and coaching role.


We can give you legal and tax advice. ODB also acts as a mediator or supervisor in case of sale, succession and estate planning …


Discover all our services here.

ODB stands for Optimistic, Decisive, Brilliant.


ODB has over 50 years of experience in the world of financial services for entrepreneurs and SMEs and it remains proudly independent and price-conscious.


It has a team of 15 employees, including accountants, bookkeepers, tax advisers and consultants. The office speaks French, English, Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch and has the most up-to-date software for keeping your accounts efficiently, and preferably online, or assisting your company on the financial level.