Cycle to work : would you be happy with a company bicycle or would you rather prefer a company mountain bike?

The legislature has provided in a favorable statute to promote cycling. This favorable statute foresees following benefits:

  1. 23cent / km can be deducted as commuting expense in case the deduction of actual business expenses is claimed;
  2. no benefit in kind needs to be charged (not even for purely private travel) provided that the bicycle is actually used for commuting fully or partly between home and work;
  3. The employer may also intervene in the commuting expenses by granting 23cent / km for the commuting route which is made by bicycle.

All benefits are also cumulative.

There are also benefits for employers:  all costs related to the facilitation of a business bicycle entitle to an increased deduction of 120%. Not only the cost of the provided bicycle, but also the costs of showers and bike are envisaged.

But a bicycle is not to be considered as a vehicle with two wheels and pedals!

For tax purposes is a mountain bike or racing bike not (fully) equivalent to a ‘bicycle’

The 1st and 3rd benefits of the favorable statute remain applicable in case of sport bikes. However, a taxable benefit in kind is allocated to the employee beneficiary  in cases where the ‘bike’ is provided by the employer. This taxable benefit in kind is considered as wage and therefore subject to withholding tax and social security.

According to the Minister of Finance, the 2nd benefit of the favorable statute  is only applicable to city bikes and hybrid bikes (intermediate between a city bike and a mountain bike). The law does not  make such distinction.

Further makes the minister of Finance also a distinction between “pedelecs” (electric bikes whose speed is limited to 25km/h) and “speed pedelecs” (electric bicycles speeding  up to 45km/h).

“Pedelecs” are fiscally treated as bicycles and enjoy of all three possible tax benefits.


“Speed Pedelecs” are categorized by the Traffic Code as a “Class B motorcycle”. This qualification is extended to fiscal purposes with as a result that none of the advantages of the favorable statute for bicycles apply to speed pedelecs. The increased tax deduction of 120% for electric motorcycles is also not applicable because the speed pedelec is not purely electrical driven!!

If an employer purchases or leases a “fast electric bike”  and grants it to an employee as a “business cycle”, the employee will be taxed on the actual value of the advantage derived from the free use of the business cycle.

Remarkable is that the taxable benefit in kind for speed pedelecs might be higher than the minimum tax benefit of € 1.280,00 which applies to some company cars with low CO² emissions.


Fiscal measures that will take effect as from the start of 2017:

Source: powerpoint on the budget of the Prime Minister: Click here to view


Withholding tax on movable assets increases to 30%

The standard withholding tax rate increases from 27% to 30% by January 1, 2017.

This means, amongst others, that interests paid or credited by a company as of January 1, 2017 will be subject to a 30% withholding tax irrespective of whether the interest relates to a current account (R / C) or to a (long)term-loan and irrespective when the loan is contracted.

Historically increase standard withholding tax rate:

  • since somewhere 80’s: 15%
  • 1 Jan 2012: 21% (Di Rupo’s government)
  • 1 Jan 2013: 25% (Di Rupo’s government)
  • 1 Jan 2016: 27% (Michel’s government)
  • 1 Jan 2017: 30% (Michel’s government)


However, the known exceptions are not affected (so-called. vvpr-bis-dividends, Letermebons, etc.). In such cases remains the withholding tax rate unchanged.

The 17% withholding tax rate is increased to 20% if the payment of dividends from the liquidation reserve occurs within the five-year waiting period. This also applies from January 1, 2017, but only on the growth of the liquidation reserves (which are built up for a taxable period associated with assessment year 2018 at the earliest). The increase does not apply to previously established reserves.

For interest on regulated savings accounts that exceed the exempt amount, remain both the rate of 15% and the exemption requirements unchanged for the time being.

Below an overview of the withholding tax tariffs with effect as from January 1, 2017:

  • Withholding tax on regulated savings accounts (above the first exemption of interest of 1,880 euros) remains 15%
  • Withholding tax on dividends from real estate investment trust or regulated real estate company remains 15%
  • Withholding tax on term deposits rises from 27 to 30%
  • Withholding tax on certificates of deposit rises from 27 to 30%
  • Withholding tax on bonds rises from 27 to 30%
  • Withholding tax to other government bonds rises from 27 to 30%
  • Withholding tax on civil loans rises from 27 to 30%
  • Withholding tax to shares rises from 27 to 30%


Stock exchange tax

The stock exchange tax is extended to Belgians acting through foreign brokers. Moreover, the current ceilings used to determine the stock exchange tax, are doubled.

This procedure replaces the speculation tax which will be abolished.

It is expected that in the course of 2017, the exchange of financial information between the tax authorities of the EU Member States will be done according to the Common Reporting Standard the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has established. That exchange of information not only refers to interest (opposed to the former Savings Directive) but covers as well dividends and capital gains.


Stop back gate for non-taxable internal gains

A technique for withholding tax dodge (i.e. 30% as of 1/1/2017) is the transfer of shares of an operating company into a holding company, followed by:

Step 1: payment of dividends from the operating company to the holding company;

Step 2: a capital reduction in the holding company.

This way, funds from the operating company were paid out at 1.69% rate.

It will be dealt with this situation on the one hand by specific target audits and on the other hand by amending the legislation for the contributions made from 01.01.2017, namely by adjusting the definition of “paid-up capital”.


Company cars

Fuel and fuel cards

In addition to the existing taxation on company cars, a supplementary tax is implemented within the scope of the often associated fuel cards. This additional tax is payable by the employer.

The above comes down to a change in the computation of the disallowed expenses on behalf of the company.

The benefit in kind – company car that is taxed on behalf of the beneficiary remains unchanged. The computation of the benefit is based on the CO² emission, fuel type, the date of inscription and the purchase price of the car.

The taxable benefit is determined regardless of whether the beneficiary does or does not receive a fuel card together with the company car.

Instead, the fiscal cost to the company will rise.

Disallowed expenses amounting to 17% will be increased to 40% if fuel costs “associated with the personal use” are fully or partly borne by the company.


Personal contribution

The actual taxable benefit in kind (BIK)- company car is reduced when the beneficiary pays a personal contribution.

The personal contribution also provides in a decrease of the disallowed expenses on behalf of the company given that the basis for calculation, i.e., the taxable benefit in kind, decreased or is annulated.

The computation base is now changed from the ‘taxable’ to the ‘in principle’ taxable benefit.

By disregarding the “personal contribution”, the company will continue to be taxed at a disallowed expense of 17% or 40% even in those cases where there is no actual taxable benefit on behalf of the beneficiary (due to personal contributions).

Both measures enter into force on January 1, 2017


Mobility Budget

By April 2017 a framework is to be worked out which will enable employees, whose salary package includes a company car (with or without fuel card) and in agreement with their employer, to replace the company car by:

– a mobility budget

– or in the form of additional net pay.

The option chosen is to be treated similarly as the company car regime from fiscal and para-fiscal point of view. The purpose is budget neutrality for all the individual employer, the individual employee and the government.

The modalities are still to be worked out.


How to calculate the BIK?

The taxable benefit for workers and managers rises in 2017 as the CO2-emission reference has been reduced resulting in an increase of the CO2 percentage used for the calculation of the BIK.

The taxable BIK – company is determined based on a lump-sum basis since January 1, 2012 in accordance with the following formula:

(Catalogue value * degressivity coefficient) * 6/7 * CO2 percentage

The Royal Decree of November 24, 2016 (B.S. December 3, 2016) fixed the reference CO2 emission for 2017:

  Diesel Benzine, LPG en aardgas
2012 95 gr./km. 115 gr./km.
2013 95 gr./km. 116 gr./km.
2014 93 gr./km. 112 gr./km.
2015 91 gr./km. 110 gr./km.
2016 89 gr./km. 107 gr./km.
2017 87 gr./km. 105 gr./km.


Solidarity Contribution

The lump-sum solidarity contribution is calculated per vehicle the employer directly or indirectly provides to its workers (and this regardless possible employee’s contribution).

The charge takes place on monthly basis and is based on the CO² emission and fuel type of the relevant company car. The solidarity contribution will be computed as from January 1, 2017 as follows:

Vehicles Formula
 Petrol CO2 known: [(Y x 9 EUR) – 768] : 12 x 142,46/114,08
CO2 unknown: [(182 x 9 EUR) – 768] : 12 x 142,46/114,08 = 90,54
 Diesel CO2 known: [(Y x 9 EUR) – 600] : 12 x 142,46/114,08
CO2 unknown: [(165 x 9 EUR) – 600] : 12 x 142,46/114,08 = 92,10
 LPG [(Y x 9 EUR) – 990] : 12 x 142,46/114,08
 Electric 26,01 EUR per month (= minimum contribution)

Y is the CO2 emission in grams per kilometer, as stated in the certificate of conformity or in the compliance record of the vehicle, or in the database of the service for the registration of vehicles